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Page speed optimization techniques for SEO ranking
What keeps people engaged in a website? Answers are the looks and how it works. Both have their relevancy in this case. A visitor in your website page gets their first impression from the design and content on the landing page. The functional side of the page comes next. If the interactive process of the page is slow, no visitor will spend their valuable time in front of your site. Get enrolled in the best SEO training institute Kochi has to understand the different techniques to optimize your page.
Page optimization techniques are being trained under UBL Academy with the best SEO training course in Kochi. Marketers need conversions from their online pages and their contents. However, there is no need of hoping any improvement in the conversion if the customer is not staying inside the page.
Page speed is the prominent factor that will keep the customer inside the page. It should never take a lot of time to load a page when a visitor clicks on something interesting on your site for them.
Why is page speed optimization important?
A fast interface will keep them moving after every interesting page detail you uploaded on the website. Large image sizes, poor coding, and many other factors can become the reason for the slow loading of the page. It is not an easy task to make a page faster for all visitors. An impactful optimization technique should be adopted for the successful result in this case.
If the page keeps being slow all the time, Search engines like Google will reduce the SEO ranking the page have. Reducing the bounce rate of the site is a way to get ranked higher in the Google SEO ranking algorithm. The bounce rate of the page increases mostly because of the slow page loading.
There are speed insight tools available from Google for a page to identify the actual problem behind the slow page. Like any other online amenities, it could not give you complete and accurate detail on the problem. Here are some efficient optimization strategies a site could use to speed up the loading and interaction time.
What causes the slow loading of pages?
Most of the developers are not enough experts in keeping the page weight under control. Oversized pages with large files and coding errors become slower.
Not-optimized images
Developers and database editors use images straightforward in their real size and resolution. These unoptimized images are one of the major reasons for the slow loading of pages. Bigger image files will never do any good for the user experience.
The image file type used also contributes a lot to a slow page. Never use image files larger than 1 Mb, and try to keep it under 500kb as possible. Use JPEG files instead of other file types, because they use less size for more pixel resolution. Only use PNG images for logos and icons.
Compression can be done on images. An image could be reduced to 50 % with an efficient compressing technique or software tools. WordPress sites have the amenity of image resizing plugins to compress all the images on the site in one go. They can be set to an automatic routine of detecting the arrival of an image on the site during the upload process and compress them.
Websites that are not working over WordPress also have similar options to compress the images. Not optimizing the images for the web pages will lead to the use of more bandwidth.
Script-related issues
Web pages are created using various scripts to work well with whatever the internet has to offer. For instance, JavaScript and JQuery scripts are being used to run dynamic website contents on the page. If the implantation of these scripts is done incorrectly, nothing will load in time and appropriately.
Use scripts that will not make the loading of the page complicated. Catching is a good way to load a web page faster on a visitor’s browser. This works for people who already visited the page in the past. The previously-loaded web page resources will be stored by the browser. It makes the appearance of most of the constant files on the site on the browser fast.
The whole speed will be then directed to other contents that need to be downloaded from the database. Plugins are also available to do the catching task effectively. They can let the browsers catch the JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and various other script files. Remove unwanted scripts from the whole source file of the page. Try to make the page with fewer scripts as possible.
Excessive HTTP requests and flash contents
HTTP requests increase alongside the number of CSS, JavaScript, and other scripts files included in the source file of the page. This increased requests while an individual visits the web page cause slow loading. Another thing that slows the web page is the flash content, which is a great tool for an interactive web page experience. However, it contributes a lot to a slow page loading experience for the user.
HTML5 replacements are used instead of flash content in modern web pages. Seek the best replacement for your page content and adapt to it. Flash content is no more used in the latest and updated websites for several reasons including making the experience a lot faster.
Unavailability of compressing techniques
gZip compressing method is a way of compressing all the scripts and images of a web page into one container file. This file will be sent to the receiver browser whenever the HTTP requests are being made by the browser. Sending everything in one file instead of separate pieces could make a big difference in the speed of page loading. Use the gZip technique on your web pages to make them fast.
Overuse of ads
Ads are used by website owners to earn money. Web pages with high traffic can take good advantage of ads. However, It is important to not let them overflow on your web page screen when a visitor opens it. Each ad might have a landing page and all of them send an HTTP request. More HTTP requests mean more time for loading the page. So, keep the number of advertisements under control at a level that will never compromise the performance of the page.
Choosing the best SEO training course
Web page optimization is important to reduce the time taken by it to load on a browser. This will lead to an improvement in the SEO ranking of the page. Anyone can get the best training course in Kochi under UBL Academy. We are known for being the best SEO training institute Kochi has right now.